German representatives from the North Rhine-Westphalia region Dr. Dieter Lindenblatt and Hans Königs, will step down from their long-term positions at the port of Antwerp at the end of the year.

The port authority is seeking successors to continue to expand its representation in Germany.

Lindenblatt said he hopes his successor can “advance the expansion of the infrastructure between Germany and the Benelux countries that is planned in the federal traffic route plan and necessary for the upcoming turnaround in traffic”.

Königs added that with regard to infrastructure projects such as the Federal Transport Plan: “The continuous processing of these projects and their prompt implementation in close interaction between industry and politics at state and federal level, is one of the primary tasks of the new representative.”

The prerequisites for the position include a good network, regional knowledge of the industry, and preferably a professional background in seafaring and transport logistics, along with experience in supply chain management.

Applications can now be submitted to the Antwerp Port Authority.