All Under the jib articles – Page 3
Fastro develops modular system for tubular cargo handling
The Netherlands-headquartered Fastro has introduced a modular system for attaching slings to heavy loads, particularly tubular structures such as those seen in the wind energy industry.
Caldwell adds two team members as manufacturing representatives
Caldwell Group has welcomed two manufacturing representative firms to its team, Hardu and Mocker & Associates.
LGH provides rigging equipment for ramp repair
Equipment rental provider LGH has supplied below the hook rigging equipment to support the lifting operations of a large ramp for a Navy vessel in New Jersey, USA.
Crosby opens Hampshire facility
Lifting and rigging equipment manufacturer and distributor the Crosby Group has opened a facility in Hampshire, UK.
Modulift delivers custom beam
Modulift has designed and manufactured a bespoke lifting beam capable of recovering a micro tunnelling machine from the depths of the sea.
Crosby launches LoadConnect
The Crosby Group has launched the Crosby Straightpoint LoadConnect cloud-based software, which can monitor loads from any distance and from anywhere around the world to improve safety and efficiency at work sites.
GN Rope Fittings builds 3,000-tonne shackle
GN Rope Fittings – a leading manufacturer of ROV, mooring, heavy lifting and rigging connections to the global oil and gas and offshore wind industries – has built a forged shackle with a working load limit of 3,000 tonnes.
ASDO launches heavy shackles geared to wind energy applications
Dortmund, Germany-based Anker Schroeder ASDO has launched heavy lifting shackles, ranging in capacity from 85-1,500 tonnes, in heavy duty (HD), heavy super (HS), and heavy polar (HP) ranges.
Modulift warns on off-brand compatibility risks
Lifting equipment manufacturer Modulift has issued a warning about other brands launching products that they deem as compatible with the company’s spreader range.
Modulift redesigns its CMOD corner units
Under-the-jib equipment manufacturer Modulift has redeveloped its CMOD modular spreader frame, with an updated corner unit design that is stronger and up to 40 percent lighter.
Bishop Lifting acquires General Work Products
USA-based under-the-jib equipment specialist Bishop Lifting has acquired General Work Products – a supplier of safety-critical cordage, rope and fall protection products.
RSS adds Birmingham depot
UK-based Rope and Sling Specialists (RSS) has opened a depot in Birmingham to serve the wider Midlands market.
Modulift releases versatile multi-point lifting system
UK-based under-the-jib equipment manufacturer Modulift has released its multi-point lifting system, an all-in-one solution that can be used as a semi-spreader, a lifting beam, or for tandem lift operations.
Modulift adds Israeli distributor
Below-the-hook equipment manufacturer Modulift has appointed Otto Perl as a distributor in Israel.
Modulift deployed in Tokyo
Japan-based lifting gear company Nakamura Industry and its customer have lifted a 21-tonne fire truck using Modulift spreader beams in Tokyo.
Benedicto to distribute Modulift equipment
Under-the-jib equipment manufacturer Modulift has expanded its distributor network with Benedicto Steel Group in the Philippines.
Allelys deploys Modulift equipment for Yankee dryer work
UK-based heavy lift and special transport specialist Allelys has used a Modulift MOD 250 spreader beam below the hook of a LG1550 crane to lift a Yankee paper dryer in Barrow-in-Furness.
Bishop acquires Worswick Group
USA-based under-the-jib equipment specialist Bishop Lifting Products has acquired Worswick Group and Certified Slings and Supply.
Caldwell adds Fast Find tool
The Caldwell Group, a manufacturer of under-the-jib equipment and lifting solutions, has launched its Fast Find online tool that gives customers instant access to distributor pricing and product availability.
Modulift tests spreader
Under-the-jib equipment manufacturer Modulift has tested an MOD 1100/2000 modular spreader beam that will be used for offshore monopile installations by a Belgian client.