August 10 - Wind farm projects continue to flourish in Cameron County and surrounding Texan counties, which the Port of Brownsville says is creating revenue for the US gateway as it continues to handles a host of wind turbine components.

One of the latest projects under construction is Acciona Energy's 93 MW San Roman wind farm project in Cameron County, which has seen a number of turbine towers, 140-tonne nacelles and blades shipped into the port. Brownsville received the first components for the project in May.

The oversize components are stored at Brownsville, before being loaded onto specialised trailers and hauled to the project site on private land between Bayview and the Laguna Madre.

The plant will comprise 31 wind turbines capable of generating enough electricity to power 30,000 homes. It is scheduled to come online by the end of 2016.

Brownsville port director and ceo Eddie Campirano explained that the port is expecting more of the same in the coming months, with another wind farm slated for construction in Cameron County and a prospective project in northern Mexico.

"We don't see it stopping with what we have this month," said Campirano. "We still have other stuff coming in. It's been busy. It's been good. It diversifies the cargo mix and it also diversifies everybody that's involved in handling the cargo. It diversifies their capabilities."