Maryland, Illinois, and North Dakota in the USA have updated their oversized/overweight (OS/OW) policies, according to the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA).

Maryland State Highway Administration confirmed that it is now auto-issuing permits up to 14 ft (4.3 m) wide. This means that Maryland can auto-issue permits up to 14 ft wide, 14 ft 6 inches (4.4 m) tall, 100 ft (30.5 m) and 150,000 lbs (68 tonnes) – weights and dimensions recommended by SC&RA’s Uniform Permit Transport (UPT) campaign.

This, SC&RA said, makes Maryland a ‘green state’ on the UPT map. 

Illinois, meanwhile, will now recognise the stacking of jeeps and boosters as a non-divisible load, eligible for interstate permitting throughout the state. This change ensures safe and efficient travel between Illinois and its neighbouring states, SC&RA explained. 

In North Dakota, the Highway Patrol revised its weight restrictions map, freeing up additional heavy haul corridors throughout the state and reducing several ton mile feels in certain areas. According to the SC&RA, North Dakota expects to remove additional restricted corridors soon. 

The UPT campaign was launched in March 2018 to establish harmonisation between all US states on OS/OW vehicle configurations.