April 27 - As part of the KIZAD (Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi) Infrastructure Development, two pipe-crossing bridges had to be removed in order to allow access roads to be widened from two lanes to four lanes in anticipation of heavier road traffic i

The operation was made possible by Dubai-based heavy haul and project cargo forwarder TTS International which was called in by contractor MultiConcrete to assist with the lifting out of pre-cast girders.

After careful study and engineering, TTS prepared a launching beam and hydraulic gantry for the lifting and shifting of the girders over the bridge site, to load onto their truck and dolly combination.

The pre-cast girder bridges were cut lengthways to enable the lifting out of the individual girders, which were to be transported to a lay-down area for later demolition. The individual girders of the first bridge were 24 m in length, weighing an estimated 60 tonnes each, while the girders of the second bridge, at 12 m weighed an estimated 35 tonnes. Both items numbered 16 pieces in total.

Lifting an average of two girders per day for the 24 m girders, and four per day for the 12 m girders, the planned schedule was met.
