March 18 - Volga-Dnepr Group's Engineering & Logistics Centre (ELC) has coordinated the delivery of a 50-tonne Siemens rotor from Germany to Mumbai, India.

The ELC team first conducted an engineering study to confirm that it was technically possible to carry the oversized cargo onboard one of Volga-Dnepr's AN-124-100 freighter aircraft.

This included assessing and approving the specially-designed transport skid, which the rotor would be mounted onto in order to facilitate the loading and offloading process, and ensure the cargo's safe delivery.

Once this was ensured, Volga-Dnepr managed the transportation of the rotor from its manufacturing plant in Muelheim, Germany to Leipzig/Halle Airport, taking care of all trucking arrangements including obtaining special permits.

At the departure airport, Volga-Dnepr was responsible for all essential procedures prior to the loading, which included terminal cargo handling and Customs services. In both Mumbai and Leipzig, members of the ELC team organised mobile cranes for loading and offloading the cargo.

The charter flight to India was contracted under the Ruslan International AN-124 joint venture.