November 18 - The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) has reached a major milestone with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers releasing its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the public and agencies for review and comment.
"The study's release is a significant step forward for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project and addresses a critical need of our country's transportation infrastructure," said Georgia Ports Authority's (GPA) executive directorCurtis J. Foltz.
The SHEP will deepen the river from its current 42 foot depth to as much as 48 feet. The project is widely supported by Georgia's state leadership, which has appropriated USD105 million of construction funds to date.
"The draft EIS represents the most exhaustive environmental study of the Savannah River estuary ever undertaken," said Foltz. The USD40 million scientific study details plans to avoid impacts to natural resources and proposes mitigation for any unavoidable impacts of the SHEP.