March 11 - Member of the Project Cargo Network (PCN) in Oman, Khimji Ramdas Project & Logistics Group, has coordinated the transport of eight 33-tonne bitumen storage tanks from Sohar Port to a site in Rumez.

Khimji Ramdas was responsible for studying the dimensions of the tanks, conducting a route survey and site survey, coming up with solutions for any obstacles en route and finding suitable transport equipment.

The company was also required to arrange permits for the transport at night, as well as police escorts. The tanks were moved two at a time from the port to the site on the New Batinah Highway close to the Barkha desalination plant.

Meanwhile PCN member in Romania, Steder Group Logistics, completed the transport of oversize units for the offshore industry from Romania to Astrakhan, Russia.

Alexander Global Logistics (AGL), which is a member of the PCN in Germany, Russia and Mongolia, was also busy with the shipment of heavy engines from Aurangabad, India to Italy.


Elsewhere, another PCN member CEA Projects Myanmar delivered and installed five digital x-ray machines from Yangon airport to five sites in the Yangon, Mandalay, Bago, Mawlamyine and Dawei regions of Myanmar.

PCN member in Belgium, Europe Cargo, handled the shipment of five 86-tonne tug boats and four 55-tonne tug boats from Shanghai, China to the Netherlands.