May 5 - James Lomma was named the 12th recipient of the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA)'s Golden Achievement Award at its recent Annual Conference in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the specialised carrier and rigging ind

The President of J.F. Lomma, Inc., Newark, N.J., began his company in 1975 as a heavy-hauling specialist.

By the early 1980s, the rapid expansion of cellular communications set the stage for his company's entrance into the crane business. Over the years, J.F. Lomma, Inc.'s inventory of cranes and rigging equipment continually expanded and diversified. Today, the company is known as a premier provider of heavy hauling, rigging and transport services in the USA.

A member of SC&RA since 1981, James Lomma held a number of the association's key leadership positions over the years, including President in 1996-97. He was instrumental in the formation of both the National Commission of the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) in 1995, and of SC&RA's property and casualty insurance partnership with NBIS, which became the association's exclusive all-line insurance in 1996 and which now serves more than 400 SC&RA member companies. He remains active in SC&RA as a past chairman.

"My company has completed more really successful projects than I can remember, but I'm as proud of helping to gain the NCCCO certification and NBIS insurance programmes as anything I've accomplished in my career," said Lomma.

In presenting the Golden Achievement Award, SC&RA chairman Ron Montgomery pointed out that Lomma had repeatedly demonstrated an ability to deal tactfully, and in a quiet way, with difficult industry regulations, laws, people and challenges.

"To the core, James Lomma is compassionate and has demonstrated genuine concern and provided personal and widespread industry assistance many times to those who faced challenges or simply needed help," said Montgomery. "If you ask his competitors to describe him, they say he's a man of his word. He's got integrity, and he operates with a firm adherence to a strong ethical and moral code."


From left to right: Joel Dandrea, executive vice president of SC&RA; James Lomma; and Ron Montgomery, current SC&RA chairman.