February 06 - Distribution delayed by adverse weather conditions in South East England

Residents of the UK have long been resigned to the inability of the authorities to cope with adverse weather conditions.

A centimetre of snow often gridlocks the entire road system. A few leaves on the lines can prevent rail services from running.

Unfortunately, almost 30 centimetres of snow fell in parts of south east England yesterday, preventing many staff at the company responsible for the distribution of HLPFI from getting to work and delaying your receipt of the January / February edition of the magazine - our biggest yet and the first since we decided to publish bi-monthly.

I would like to apologise to our subscribers and advertisers for this delay. If you can't wait until the printed edition hits your in-tray (hopefully later this week, or early next week) please send me an email and I will send you an electronic copy ian@heavyliftpfi.com by return.


Ian Matheson, Director