February 25 - Wilhelmsen Ships Service is busy providing a range of support services to the Gorgon project, including the import of dredgers and project cargoes.
The company said it was providing agency and logistics support to the offshore accommodation vessel MS Finnmarken, a cruise ship which houses a 350-strong workforce, mostly dredging crew workers.
"Supporting the Finnmarken is the most significant ongoing work we've had on the project to date," commentedNicholas Berry, account manager for Wilhelmsen Ships Service in Australia.
The company said it was also engaged in making advance arrangements for berthing and unberthing, as well as arranging timely bookings of port services to optimise berthing and sailing windows.
The development of the Greater Gorgon Area gas fields, located about 130km off the north-west coast of Western Australia, includes the construction of a 15 million tonne per annum LNG plant on Barrow Island and a domestic gas plant with the capacity to provide 300 terajoules per day to supply gas to Western Australia.