February 14 - The details of the tentative master contract that the International Longshoremen's Association has negotiated with the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX), has been revealed.

February 14 - The details of the tentative master contract that the International Longshoremen's Association has negotiated with the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX), has been revealed.

A post on the ILA website reveals that the new contract will expire September 30, 2018 and provide ILA members with a USD3 increase over three years - a USD1 increase on Oct. 1, 2014; another USD1 increase on October 1, 2016 and lastly a USD1 increase on October 1, 2017.

The starting salary for new employees will start at USD20 per hour. The wage progression formula, which was in the Master Contract extension, has been shortened from 9 years to 6 years.

The ILA noted the agreement is subject to the drafting of final contract language and acceptance by the ILA membership and the new master contract will not take effect until all local bargaining is concluded.


The full text of the agreement can be seen here: www.ilaunion.org/news_summary_master_contract.html