January 30 - Confindustria, the General Confederation of Italian Industry, has asked for the problems connected with the issue of authorisations for exceptional load transport by road to be solved, following the accident in Lecco last autumn.

Following the letter sent by Conftrasporto's chairman to the Italian transport minister asking for clear and precise rules for transport of out-of-gauge (OOG) cargoes on the nation's road network, as reported by HLPFI here, another call has now come from Confindustria.

Alberto Ribolla, chairman of Confindustria - Lombardy Region, said: "Manufacturers in northern Italy heavily rely on affordable and efficient transport solutions. The current unacceptable impasse (at issuing authorisations for hauling of OOG cargoes) is having a negative impact on producers and may result in penalties for those companies not able to ship and deliver the machines and plant that they have produced on time".

Confindustria therefore asked the local Ministry of transport and the Anas (the primary road manager in charge of the Italian road and highway network) to solve the need for a clear legal framework both for manufacturers and also for transport operators.


