January 14 - Concargo, in association with its strategic business partners, has been commissioned by its client, World Groupage Services, to handle the transportation of a bucket wheel reclaimer and two ore stackers from Saldanha Port to a mine in Postmas
The total shipment weighs in at 840 tonnes with a total volume of 6,200 cu m. 63 trucks were required to transport the equipment of which 42 are abnormal out-of-gauge loads, and four are superloads up to 9.54 m wide. These had to be loaded onto a mix of 100 tonne lowbeds, step decks and extendable trailers. The balance of the loads was made up of tri-axles and superlinks truck tractor articulated vehicles.
The shipment arrived in Saldanha Port from the Far East on a special charter vessel and is the biggest project shipment ever handled by the port, says Concargo.
Concargo reports that the loads needed to be staggered in such a way to keep the disruption of general traffic flows to a minimum. Provincial traffic escorts are required to ensure the safety of other road users. The most challenging part of the route is Piekenierskloof Pass. Route surveys and traffic accommodation plans have had to be carried out prior to the transportation of the larger loads, and in the case of the superloads, which are currently underway, periodic closures of the roads are necessary.
Careful and accurate positioning is essential for the stability of the 13.5 m long x 8.8 m wide ring gear.