Combifloat Systems will use Koninklijke Van der Wees Transporten’s multipurpose terminal in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, for the storage and transhipment of its modules.

Combifloat to use terminal at Dordrecht for handling of modules

Source: Koninklijke Van der Wees Groep

The multipurpose terminal at Dordrecht, which Combifloat will use for its modules.

The modular floating construction equipment and modular jack-up platforms supplier, Combifloat, will also use Van der Wees’ facilities to (de)mobilise its modules in the water at the terminal.

Larger modules intended for seagoing vessels likely mean that the 5.5 m draught at the terminal would not be sufficient, so transhipment will be covered thanks to both Van der Wees and Combifloat’s cooperation with truck transportation firm B.V. Zeehavenbedrijf Dordrecht (ZHD).

“Our expertise in the transport and handling of modular, maritime cargo fits perfectly with Combifloat’s needs and today we have taken the first step towards a long-term, successful collaboration,” said Mark van den Berg, sales manager at Van der Wees.