August 8 - Hybrid Air Vehicles' (HAV) airship Airlander 10 has successfully exited its hangar at Cardington Airfield in the UK.

Removing the airship from the hangar was a very delicate operation, explained HAV, with only a 6 m clearance from the aircraft's fin to the sides of the hangar doors.

It took around five minutes for the Airlander to clear the hangar and then a further 30 minutes for the airship to be towed to its primary mast site on the airfield, continued HAV.

The airship will be attached to a towable moving mast and will rest on a castering ground cradle, which supports the fuel tank. The landing skids have been fitted with bespoke 'shoes' to minimise wear and environmental impact.

While Airlander 10 is on the mast, the last few tests will be conducted and the team will assess whether the airship needs to return to the hangar for final inspections or can remain on the mast. The aircraft will then be ready for its first flight.

Watch a video of the airship leaving the hangar below: