September 28 - ADM Team Heavy Weight has taken delivery of a CombiMAX combination from Faymonville, comprising two 3-axle bogies, plus a 2-axle and 4-axle bogie; as well as two lowbeds, an add-on extension support and two goosenecks.
"We are using the CombiMAX to carry 100-tonne loads over long distances," said ADM Team Heavy Weight managing director Eric Hufkens. "The CombiMAX ticks important boxes such as an optimum empty weight and short, compact construction."
Driver of the vehicle, Jef Hufkens, explained that one of the CombiMAX's main advantages is the ability to change the number of axles during a journey without using a crane, which is particularly important due to the varying axle load standards across Europe.
"For example, when we come out of Germany with a 3+6 low loader combination with a 12-tonne axle load, and then have to enter France or Belgium, we simply leave two axles at the border and continue as a 3+4 combination with 13-tonne axle load," said Hufkens.