Blue Water Shipping has transported and loaded a 300-tonne blade yoke at Denmark’s Port Esbjerg.
Weighing 300 tonnes and measuring 24 m x 10 m x 17 m, transportation of the wind turbine blade yoke was made difficult as it had to navigate through tight spaces, with clearances of less than 5 cm in some moves.
Blue Water Shipping’s port services team used SPMTs from its in-house fleet, to move the piece. Along with this, transport programming, configuration and transport calculations were all done internally.
A thorough route survey was conducted by Blue Water, as well as making necessary infrastructure alterations and coordination of traffic – including temporary road closures. The entire operation was completed in one week, with the actual transport – covering 6 km within the port of Esbjerg – performed in four hours.
The following day, Blue Water loaded the blade yoke onto a jack-up installation vessel.
Blue Water has also recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to create a CO2 logisitcs partnership for the transport of liquid CO2 for Arcadia eFuels’ upcoming production facility in Vordingborg, Denmark. To begin with, it will focus on delivering up to 300,000 tonnes of liquid CO2 per year, for an initial period of 10 years.