Canada’s LiftWerx has received a new RotorHook crane manufactured by the Netherlands-based by KenzFigee.

LiftWerx receive most powerful RotorHook crane

Source: LiftWerx

The RotorHook crane.

With a lifting capacity of 80 tonne and capable of working at tower heights of up to 132 m, LiftWex said the RotorHook is the most powerful up-tower crane in the world. The RotorHook is able to lower and lift a fully-assembled wind turbine rotor and main shaft, removing the need for a large crane on the ground. The system can fit into a standard 40ft container. 

LiftWerx’s team – in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada – will commission the crane over the coming weeks before it is deployed to the USA for a long-term contract, performing main bearing, pitch bearing and blade exchanges at wind farms across the country.