Jonathan Lewis has been named chair of the Associated British Ports (ABP) board.

ABP Nolan and Lewis Chair

Source: Associated British Ports (ABP)

Phil Nolan (left) and Jon Lewis (right)

Lewis brings decades of business leadership experience, predominantly in major infrastructure sectors. He has held ceo roles at AmecFosterWheeler and Capita. He is currently a non-executive director of Equinor and serves as the chair of the Safety, Sustainability and Ethics Committee.

“I’m excited to be taking on the chair role at ABP. As an island nation, ports have been vital to the UK for millennia. But their importance and contribution has never been greater as they maintain their historic role as our main gateways for global trade and play an increasingly pivotal new role as enablers of the energy transition,” Lewis said.

Lewis will succeed Dr Phil Nolan, who has decided to stand down from the role.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at ABP. It’s been a great privilege to be chair and I’m proud of what the business has achieved through testing times. The foundations have been laid for a strong and sustainable future and I’m confident that Jon will take it from strength to strength,” Nolan said. 

Lewis is expected to take up the role after ABP’s board meeting in September.