August 15 - Erik R. Peterson, director of A.T. Kearney's Global Business Policy Council and senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, will deliver the closing keynote address at the 22nd annual Breakbulk Americas Transportation
In his Breakbulk Americas speech, "Strategic Narratives into the Future," Peterson will discuss how in the past year volcanoes in Iceland, Chile and Indonesia have combined with the triple disaster in Japan, the Eurozone debt crisis, the threat of a China bubble, and regime changes in North Africa to increase the complexities of risk management.
Peterson will suggest four possible future scenarios as an impetus to stress-test existing assumptions, conclusions and strategies. He will address increasingly embattled government systems; food, water and energy pressures; rapid technological innovation that can improve the human condition and our physical environment; and the accelerating shift in political and economic power around the world.
Erik R. Peterson is a world-renowned thinker and dynamic presenter who traces the simultaneous and significant global shifts behind the most challenging issues facing us now and in the near future. He outlines key trends that will transform opportunities and risks, and our capacity to address them.
Breakbulk Americas brings together top executives in the breakbulk, heavy lift and project cargo transportation sectors for two days of roundtable discussion and keynote addresses, providing insight on trends and challenges of today's volatile market, emerging trade lanes and the future of production in various energy sectors and other commodities markets.