July 17 - Antonov Airlines has appointed New Delhi-headquartered Flywell Aviation as its general sales agent (GSA) in India.

"India is a very significant market for the AN-124-100s, and holds good potential for AN-225 and AN-22 flights across a number of sectors," said Michael Goodisman, business development director, Antonov Airlines.

"Flywell Aviation has been active in the Indian air charter market for many years, and has a good track record of arranging project cargo flights," he added. Flywell Aviation also has offices in Mumbai and Bangalore, and provides services to the defence, aerospace, oil and gas, rail and construction, as well as other sectors.

HLPFI reported here in June 2017 that Antonov Airlines appointed Air Cargo Partners Worldwide (ACP) as its general sales agent (GSA) in Australia.


Michael Goodisman, business development director, Antonov Airlines


