Gebrüder Weiss has agreed to a five-year partnership with China’s Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) to share experiences and to foster career development.

Gebrüder Weiss teams up with Shanghai Maritime University

Source: Gebrüder Weiss

Gebrüder Weiss’ Yongquan Chen speaking to university students

Gebrüder Weiss is promoting emerging talent in China’s higher education system through the agreement. Students from SMU’s College of Transport and Communications will develop experience in supply chain management via summer internships.

“This means students can build up valuable practical experience and get to know all the different areas involved in logistics even while they’re studying,” said Yongquan Chen, general manager China at Gebrüder Weiss.

The company also incorporates its industry expertise into the programme, such as through guest lectures.

“We teach the students about trends and developments in the logistics industry. At the same time, we help them make a start in their career journey, possibly even at Gebrüder Weiss,” said Chen. “This gives them a better understanding of the career prospects and challenges in the fast-paced world of logistics.”

Topics will include managing air, sea, and land transport to imports and exports, e-commerce, warehouse logistics and supply chain management - everything involving organising supply chains from start to finish. 

Two SMU students have already begun internships at Gebrüder Weiss and, with its 19 locations across China, the company has strong connections within the international industrial and commercial enterprises that operate in the country’s key economic hubs.