Shipping news – Page 112
Costs set to rise as Sulphur 2020 looms
With the 2020 deadline looming for the IMO’s sulphur cap, the industry is still uncertain about the best path to take for compliance. One thing seems to be assured, however, and that is price hikes for shippers and beneficial cargo owners.
Matson modernisation programme kicks off
Honolulu-headquartered shipping line Matson has added the first of four 3,600 teu containerships that will join its Hawaiian service over the next two years.
Crowley integrates liner division
Crowley Maritime Corporation will complete the merger of its liner services group into Crowley Logistics on January 1, 2019.
EC approves German bank sale
The European Commission (EC) has approved the privatisation of German state-owned HSH Nordbank to a consortium of private equity funds led by J.C. Flowers and Cerberus.
Protectionism tops shipping industry concerns
A study developed by the BPI Network, in partnership with Navis, has revealed that trade tensions, cyber security and uncertainty surrounding fuel costs are causing concern for leading executives in the global maritime industry.
Bremer Lloyd wins Borkum contract
Bremer Lloyd has secured the contract to transport 96 rotor blades for the 200 MW Trianel Windpark Borkum II offshore wind farm, located in the North Sea.
Cosco orders pulp carriers
Cosco Shipping Specialized Carriers has ordered five 62,000 dwt multipurpose vessels, plus four options, which will be built at Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry (Dalian) in China.
New sulphur regulations for Hong Kong and Taiwan
Hong Kong and Taiwan will implement a local 0.5 percent sulphur cap from January 1, 2019, one year ahead of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) sulphur 2020 regulations, according to insurance provider Gard.
Lim secures second term as head of IMO
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council has agreed to renew the appointment of Kitack Lim as secretary general of the organisation for a second four-year term.
Heavy-duty transport emissions set to decline
Reaching net-zero carbon emissions for heavy industry and heavy-duty transport sectors is technically and financially possible by mid-century – 2050 in developed countries and 2060 in developing countries - according to the Energy Transitions Commission.
Orion launched in China
DEME’s offshore installation vessel, Orion, has been launched at the Cosco Qidong shipyard in China.
Fednav inks additional Optimarin order
Optimarin has signed a contract to supply Canada-based shipping line Fednav with seven of its US Coast Guard (USCG) approved ballast water treatment systems.
Lucina heads for auction
Eggar Forrester is auctioning off the multipurpose vessel Lucina in Amsterdam on December 14, on behalf of mortgagees Caterpillar Financial Services.
Conbit knuckles down with boom crane
Conbit, a subsidiary of transport engineering company ALE, has acquired a telescopic knuckle boom crane designed for offshore lifting – the CK050F.
Stolberg hires new representation
Reports in the German media indicate that Niels Stolberg, former chief executive of Beluga Shipping, has hired a new lawyer in an attempt to avoid his 42-month prison sentence.
Chipolbrok loads in Hamburg
Chipolbrok has loaded its heavy lift vessel Leopold Staff with a variety of over-dimensional cargoes, including power plant equipment destined for Jordan, at the C. Steinweg Terminal in Hamburg.
Multipurpose rates edge up
Time charter rates in the multipurpose shipping sector have marginally increased over the last month, according to the latest data from shipbroker Toepfer Transport.
BIMCO develops bunker clauses ahead of Sulphur 2020
The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) has developed two bunker clauses to support the implementation of International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) sulphur 2020 regulations, which come into force on January 1, 2020.
Damen delivery for Smit Lamnalco
Rotterdam-headquartered Smit Lamnalco has taken delivery of the final two ASD Tugs 3212 in its series of newbuilds from Damen.
CNCo opens Chinese headquarters
China Navigation Company (CNCo) has opened its new Chinese headquarters in Shanghai.