The first oceangoing vessel of the 2022 maritime shipping season was scheduled to arrive on April 13 at the port of Duluth-Superior.


Upon arrival through the Duluth Ship Canal and under the aerial lift bridge, the bulker Resko visited Superior’s Gavilon Grain Connors Point terminal to load approximately 16,200 tons (14,696 tonnes) of spring wheat and 5,400 tons (4,898 tonnes) of durum wheat destined for Italy. The ship arrived in ballast after unloading more than 5,500 tons (4,989 tonnes) of steel skidded coils in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

“Despite winter’s lingering chill this year, arrival of the season’s first full Seaway transit is a true sign of spring and always of the prosperity these great ships help deliver to our region,” said Deb DeLuca, executive director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority.