Russian aerospace firm United Aircraft plans to further modernise the Ilyushin IL-76 freighter aircraft, upgrading the TD models before the end of the decade.

Rostec il76

Source: Rostec

United Aircraft puts the commercial demand for the modified Il-76 at over 100 aircraft.

As reported in HLPFI’s sister publication, FlightGlobal, the upgraded model – designated the Il-76TD-90A – is a commercial transport sector variant of the IL-76MD-90A already in production.

United Aircraft said commercial carriers operate over 100 IL-76TDs, manufactured in Tashkent, which are nearing the end of their service lives. It stated that the IL-76TD-90A version would feature flight performance and modern avionics improvements, enabling the aircraft to be flown with a crew of three.

The company’s Ilyushin division is negotiating with potential Russian and foreign operators of the new model.

Managing director Daniil Brenerman believes the aircraft – deliveries of which are planned to start in 2028 – will be of “great interest”. 

Federal air transport regulator Rosaviatsia has newly issued a type certificate to Ilyushin covering IL-76 modifications, detailing flight performance characteristics and operational limitations. Rosaviatsia chief Dmitry Yadrov said the documentation will provide greater transparency on the aircraft’s design changes and “increase the export potential”.