Harlyn Solutions, based in Blyth, UK, has signed an agreement with Ocean Winds to collect, store, and preparare the spare inter-array cables for the Moray West wind farm. 

Moray West is an offshore wind farm in the outer Moray Firth, Scotland developed by Ocean Winds, an joint venture between EDP Renewables and Engie. First power flowed from Moray West commencing July; the facility will consist of 60 wind turbines, each with a generating capacity of 14.7 MW, when fully operational in 2025.

Harlyn had previously conducted two other projects for Moray West, including the transportation of both of its substations and the cleaning of monopiles infield. Pete Geddes, Moray West project director at Ocean Winds, added: “We’re delighted to be using Harlyn to store our cables in the UK. Delivering local content is important to Ocean Winds and working with Harlyn for a third scope we are able to support a thoroughly competent UK supplier.”

The work will be delivered over the next few months before the cables and cable accessories enter storage.