COLI Logistics has assisted in the transport of four 33-tonne main shafts from Houston, USA, to Esbjerg, Denmark.

COLI transports four 33-tonne shafts

Source: COLI Group

The cargo was originally in Houston and then shipped by COLI’s US partner Draft Cargoways India to Bremerhaven, Germany, where COLI Logistics and Stange Transport stepped in for the next leg of the journey to Esbjerg.

Due to the size and weight of the shafts, trucking required a special permit and an escort, as well as customs-bonded trucking to allow for border crossing.

The trucks had to be loaded strategically to handle the heavy cargo due to the centre of gravity primarily at one side of each shaft.

Loading of the trucks was carried out in Bremerhaven from the transport vessel, a T1 customs document was obtained – and closed upon arrival at Padborg, Denmark – and the trucks were delivered safely and timely.