Vestas has awarded Cadeler a contract for the transport and installation of 64 wind turbines at the He Dreiht wind farm in the German part of the North Sea.

Turbine installation_Cadeler

The installation of the 15 MW turbines is scheduled to commence in the second quarter of 2025. It will be executed by one of Cadeler’s two O-class vessels, which will feature a new crane with a lifting capacity of 1,600 tonnes at a radius of 40 m.

The He Dreiht project will operate on a subsidy-free basis by EnBW. It supports Germany’s ambitions to produce 20 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030.

“We are excited to see how our newbuild cranes will come in use when we install turbines of these record sizes and demonstrate the extensive know-how and experience of our on and offshore team as well as superior capabilities of our upgraded O-class vessels,” said Mikkel Gleerup, ceo of Cadeler.