Fuel treatment technology provider Aderco has achieved B Corp certification.

Headquartered in Nyon, Switzerland, Aderco manufactures 100 percent plant-based fuel treatment solutions.

“We’ve been committed to social and environmental impact since day one. This B Corp certification not only validates what we’ve believed in for over 40 years but also reaffirms that Aderco is leading the way in our industry,” said Olivier Baiwir, ceo of Aderco.

B Corp certification is a rigorous assessment and in achieving certification a company must demonstrate high social and environmental performance, make a legal commitment by changing their corporate governance structure to be accountable to all stakeholders, and exhibit transparent business practices. The designation is valid for three years before recertification is needed. 

Aderco scored 83.3 points on the B Impact Assessment, exceeding the minimum requirement of 80 points for certification, and the breakdown of the scoring can be seen here. Some 9,000 companies across 160 industries in over 100 countries have achieved B Corp certification.