To meet growing market demand for multipurpose/heavy lift cargo capacity ex Europe, AAL Shipping has introduced a new scheduled monthly Europe – Asia express liner service.

AAL Europe-Asia liner

Source: AAL

AAL Europe-Asia liner service

The new service complements its offering from the Continent, which already includes a Europe – Middle East/India – Asia monthly liner service, as well as a monthly Mediterranean – Middle East – India pendulum service.

”Our portfolio of three distinct monthly services provides customers with regular, trusted and flexible sailings between Europe and its key trading markets around the world and benefits from the employment of premium multipurpose vessels from every class of AAL’s fleet – including our new Super B-class, which has already demonstrated its cargo intake credentials by transporting 89,000 freight tons of mixed cargo from Asia to Europe on a single sailing,” said Eike Muentz, general manager, AAL Europe.

Jan-Henrik Heyken, senior chartering manager at AAL Europe, added: “The Europe – Asia Express Liner Service will depart key project cargo hubs in Western Europe and connect them directly with Taichung, Shanghai, Masan and other port calls considered on inducement along the route.”

Earlier in August, AAL Shipping’s 32,000 dwt Super B-class vessel AAL Limassol completed its maiden voyage to Europe from Asia.