March 4 - Wilhelmsen Ships Service Bulgaria has relocated its office in Varna in response to growing business volumes in the region.
Wilhelmsen Ships Service Bulgaria was established in December 2008 as a 100 percent-owned company ofBarwil Agencies Oslo, successor of the previous joint-venture in Bulgaria, Barwil Unimasters Ltd, which had operated in Bulgaria since 1995.
Bistra Georgieva, general manager for Wilhelmsen Ships Service in Bulgaria says: "We are moving to larger office premises enabling us to grow together with our customers. It is an excellent location in the administrative, financial and cultural heart of the city. We expect this will bring additional advantages for our customers."
The new premises are located at: Wilhelmsen Ships Service Bulgaria, 54 Osmi Primorski Polk Blvd, Level 4, Office 17-18, 9000, Varna, Bulgaria.