SAL’s Zhong Ren 121 vessel has transported and delivered ship-to-shore (STS) cranes from Cobh, Ireland, to the port of Hamburg, Germany for Liebherr Maritime Cranes.
Each STS crane measured 135 m x 31 m x 43 m and tipped the scales at 1,750 tonnes.
In Cobh, the cranes were rolled onto Zhong Ren 121 using SPMTs across the starboard side of the ship; discharging the cranes in Germany was more problematic. Due to a high quay level at the terminal in Hamburg, the vessel was moored perpendicular to the quay, with the stern aligned for roll-off operations. Precise ballasting and tide timing were key to ensuring the stern reached the quay level.
There was just 3 m of clearance between the cranes and the Köhlbrandbrücke (Köhlbrand Bridge) during low tide.
Last month, SAL inaugurated its third Orca-class heavy lift vessel, Patricia, in China.