Jumbo Offshore has completed the transport and installation of transition pieces for the Yunlin offshore wind farm in Taiwan.

Jumbo Offshore was contracted to perform the works by Yunneng Wind Power. Following preparations before commencing the project, Jumbo opted for its DP2 heavy lift crane vessel Jumbo Javelin. This was fitted with the fly jib modular crane boom extension, which can be mounted aboard the vessel to to increase its lifting height. As a result, the ship was able to handle the the 27 m-high transition pieces.

The final installation works were performed in mid-August. Jumbo Javelin was loaded out with four 450-tonne transition pieces in Kaohsiung Across the project, the vessel transported and installed 80 transition pieces and completed work before the end-of-year deadline set by Yunneng Wind Power.

Jumbo explained that use of the vessel’s dynamic positioning (DP) mode is not suitable in shallower waters, with water depths at the site varying between 7-35 m. Hence, when appropriate, installation works were conduct while the vessle was at anchor.

The Yunlin offshore wind farm is located in the Taiwan Strait, 8-17 km from the coast of Taiwan. HLPFI reported in June 2024 that Jumbo Offshore had removed  two monopiles at Yunlin.