Austria-based Felbermayr has delivered two generators from Charleston, USA, to Mintia, Romania – with another still to be delivered.

Felbermayr delivers generators from USA to Romania 2

Source: Felbermayr

As part of its wider scope of work, Felbermayr is delivering technical components to a gas and steam power plant in Mintia, Romania.

With three turbines from Germany having already arrived at the plant, Felbermayr has shipped two generators from Charleston, USA. Each weighing 380 tonnes, the generators came via an inland waterway vessel from Antwerp, Belgium, to Linz, Austria. Here, they were transferred to the Felbermayr ship RoRo30.

Felbermayr delivers generators from USA to Romania 1

Source: Felbermayr

The onward journey began on the Danube River, then on the Tisza River to Tápé, in Hungary. The SPMT left the ship with the first generator via ro-ro ramp, headed for Mako, also in Hungary. Then, the generator was loaded onto a truck using a stand jack system and transported to Mintia.

Felbermayr used the same procedure for the second generator, meanwhile the third is expected to begin its journey from Charleston soon.

In January 2025, HLPFI reported that Felbermayr had expanded a transformer station in Austria.