Dutch dredging and heavy lift company Boskalis has installed an export cable on the seabed and connected its existing cables to offshore converter platforms.

Boskalis connects cables and platforms for Dutch offshore windfarm

Source: Boskalis

The company used its cable-laying vessels Giant 7 and Ndurance to complete the task, which is just off the Dutch coast. Boskalis connected all the export cables they installed for the shore connection that Dutch electricity firm TenneT is providing for the Hollandse Kust (west Beta) wind farm.

Additionally, the 66 kV interconnector cable between Hollandse Kust (west Beta) and Hollandse Kust (west Alpha) was installed and successfully pulled into both platforms.

Boskalis’ offshore supply vessel Kamara assisted the cable-laying vessels during the offshore work, with the company’s trenching support vessel Ndeavor having buried the installed cables in the seabed before this project.

Later this year, the firm’s subsea rock installation vessel – Rockpiper – will support the project, covering the export cable with rock at several crossings with other infrastructure.