UK-based transport engineering provider Allelys has moved and installed 15 precast concrete arch sections for the Grand Surrey Canal project in London. 

Allelys positions pre-cast elements for Grand Surrey Canal

Source: Zero Two Digital Limited

The sections, weighing as much as 17.5 tonnes and measuring up to 11.4 m in length, were received, manoeuvred and installed using Allelys’ fleet of specialist equipment. The project presented unique challenges as new construction site was underneath a historic railway bridge. The new precast items needed to be installed beneath the existing structure.

A 160-tonne mobile telescopic crane loaded each arch section onto a six-axle SPMT, which was used to manoeuvre each section into place. Custom-made timber packers were produced to mirror the unique profile of each arch, something which helped maintain the integrity of the structures throughout the project. 

Neil Jones, senior commercial manager at Allelys, said: “Collaboration and innovative problem solving were key to developing this unique solution, ensuring that the project was executed as safely and precisely as planned.” The next stage of the project is to remove the main bridge beam from the existing overhead structure, before construction of a new bridge deck section can begin.