Weather intelligence and decision support service provider StormGeo has appointed Carsten Mortensen as non-executive chairman of its board of directors.

He brings more than 30 years of operational experience to the position having held senior roles at maritime and logistics organisations including A.P. Møller-Mærsk, D/S Norden and most recently as ceo of BW Group.

Commenting on his appointment, Mortensen said: “StormGeo is an exciting company that operates at the forefront of global megatrends, such as climate change, digitalisation and increasing regulations. I believe that with my experience, I will be able to assist the talented people at StormGeo in pursuing their mission to continuously create world-leading products, which reduce risk and increase safety for its customers.”

In March 2019 Henrik Dahl, founder and former ceo of Finnish clean technology firm Eniram, stepped onto the StormGeo board of directors; Trond Hodne, director business development at DNV GL, acceded to the board.