Insight – Page 22

  • Storage represents 'tipping point’ for renewables

    Storage represents 'tipping point’ for renewables


    New energy storage technologies represent a “tipping point” for the wind and solar power generation sector, according to Bill Gross, founder and chairman of Idealab, a California-based venture capital firm.

  • FROM THE MAGAZINE: Substantial tranche of decommissioning beckons

    Substantial tranche of decommissioning work beckons


    Decommissioning of oil and gas platforms has been a topic of discussion for a number of years and now a number of signals are indicating that this perennial non-starter could finally spring to life. David Kershaw reports.

  • Drewry sees improving prospects for the multipurpose sector

    Drewry sees improving prospects for the multipurpose sector


    Surging growth in renewable energy generation around the world and a construction boom in southeast Asia that is expected to run for the next ten years bode well for multipurpose shipping fleet, says Drewry.

  • Coal comes under pressure

    Coal comes under pressure


    While US President Donald Trump continues his efforts to revive the coal industry, governments across the Atlantic are vowing to crack down on greenhouse gas pollution and stop the use of the fossil fuel.

  • Inward-looking policies threaten shipping's outlook

    Inward-looking policies threaten shipping's outlook


    Uncertainty arising from wide-ranging geopolitical, economic and trade policy risks is redefining the maritime transport landscape and shaping the sector’s outlook, says the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

  • News

    Industry seeks clarity ahead of Sulphur 2020


    A survey conducted by global shipping consultancy Drewry reveals that there is considerable unease among global shippers/beneficial cargo owners (BCO) and freight forwarders ahead of the IMO’s sulphur 2020 emissions regulations.

  • FROM THE MAGAZINE: Shock monitoring in transformer transportation

    Shock monitoring in transformer transportation


    Damage to transformers during transit can go unnoticed until after installation. However, impact monitoring during the move can highlight problems and save considerable time and expense, according to impact monitoring equipment manufacturer SpotSee. 

  • Insourcing: a threat to project forwarders?

    Insourcing: a threat to project forwarders?


    At the inaugural Project Cargo Summit, held at Rotterdam’s Onderzeebootloods this week, questions were raised about the future role of freight forwarders in the project cargo supply chain, as shippers start to bring their transport activities in-house.

  • Huisman and ATC develop offshore training

    Huisman and ATC develop offshore training


    Huisman and Australasian Training Company (ATC) have signed a cooperation agreement for the development of offshore crane training packages in Singapore.

  • LMA launches SOMWS

    LMA launches SOMWS


    Lloyds Market Association (LMA) plans to launch the Society of Offshore Marine Warranty Surveyors (SOMWS) on September 18.

  • Mund + Bruns renames in the USA

    Mund + Bruns renames in the USA


    Houston-based Jaeckel Mund + Bruns has rebranded to correspond with its Bremen-headquartered parent company and will operate as Mund + Bruns.

  • More infrastructure required for Arctic sailings

    More infrastructure required for Arctic sailings


    As the Northern Sea Route (NSR) becomes an increasingly attractive shipping lane, the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) says more support is required to facilitate the provision of adequate insurance for Arctic sailings.

  • MPV fleet faces regulation changes

    MPV fleet faces regulation changes


    In just 16 months, the Sulphur 2020 regulations will come into effect and it could prove to be the tipping point for consolidation in the multipurpose fleet.

  • Upstream delivery finally hits the mark

    Upstream delivery finally hits the mark


    According to industry analyst Wood Mackenzie, upstream oil and gas companies are increasingly delivering major capital projects on time and on budget.

  • Developing a green solution

    Developing a green solution


    Three of the marine sector’s major technology companies, WinGD, Wärtsilä and GTT, have agreed to collaborate in making the use of LNG fuel a viable option for ship owners and operators.

  • News

    IUMI launches tutorial programme


    The International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) has launched an online cargo tutorial programme, specifically designed for intermediate-level cargo underwriters.

  • Sovereignty of the seas

    Sovereignty of the seas


    Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have signed a landmark agreement on the Caspian Sea’s legal status, outlining the maritime borders and ending a 20-year long dispute.

  • FROM THE MAGAZINE: An overlooked link in the supply chain

    Packing and securing: an overlooked link in the project logistics supply chain


    The safe arrival of oversized and heavy project cargoes is directly related to how well they are packed and secured. Paul Lucas highlights some of the challenges facing packing and crating companies around the world.

  • IUMI nominates Turner

    IUMI nominates Turner


    The International Union Marine Insurance (IUMI) has nominated Richard Turner, global marine director and European director of global risk solutions at RSA Insurance Group, for the role of president.

  • Trade tariffs take hold…

    Trade tariffs take hold…


    In its second-quarter analyst call, Caterpillar confirmed that the USA’s decision to impose import tariffs on steel and other metals will have a real effect on its businesses and customers in the second half of 2018.