All articles by HeavyLiftPFI – Page 694
MACS clarifies Alphaliner story
April 29 - Following a report by AXS Alphaliner that MACS has removed two ships from its Europe-South Africa multi-purpose and breakbulk service, a spokesman for MACS has moved to reassure customers that there will be little impact on the frequency or spa
Freeport golf tournament tees-up dollars for children's charity
April 28 - Port Freeport has raised almost 15,000 dollars for Brazoria County Association for Citizens with Handicaps (BACHS), a charitable organisation which provides care and treatment for disabled children and their families.
Partner Shipping and Praxis Logistics launch Pacific service targetting high and heavy cargoes
April 28 - Partner Shipping AS of Norway and Praxis Logistics of Australia has agreed to charter two pure car and truck carriers, currently nearing completion, from Vroom, a Dutch shipowner, to operate a triangular shipping service linking the West Coast
Charleston's Veterans Terminal is ours, says ports authority
April 28 - South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA) has issued a strong response to a recent article in the Charleston Regional Business Journal which suggests that leading US Senate lawmakers recently offered to transfer ownership of SCSPA's Veterans
Babcock & Brown Infrastructure gives update on asset sale
April 28 - In a trading and asset sell-down update, Babcock & Brown Infrastructure of Sydney says that it expects to have binding bids for all or part of PD Ports by the early autumn, whilst the proposed sale of 29.70f Euroports remains subject to satisfa
Albany upgrades
April 28 - HLPFI understands that the Port of Albany in the USA is about to begin a multi-million dollar construction project to replace a large portion of its old wooden wharf system.
Nooteboom unveils latest transport solutions
April 27 - Nooteboom continues to remain innovative in its development and production of transport solutions as it unveils its latest models, The Ballast Semi-trailer and The Masttransporter.
Expert panel canvases Transhipment Markets in Northern Europe
April 27 - Transhipment volumes and initiatives to improve supply chain relay services between the Baltic region and northern Europe will be a key point of discussion during the 4th Annual Breakbulk Europe Conference and Exhibition from 26-28 May, in Antw
Agility roars in Lion city
April 27 - Agility has established an Asia Pacific HQ in Singapore and opened another RDC in the Lion City, strengthening its presence and providing a platform for further growth in the region.
Anyone planning to attend the forthcoming Multimodal event in Birmingham this week will be warmly welcomed at the HLPFI stand - No. 350
April 27 - Multimodal is the UK's largest logistics and freight transportation event and includes companies active in all modes of transport, as well as ancilliary industries.
Project cargo experts demonstrate logistics solutions for renewable energy industry
April 24 - Heavy and oversize cargo network, Project Professionals Group, will showcase its international reach and expertise to the renewable energy sector during the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Exhibition in Chicago from May 4-7, 2009, with
Boosting Brazilian presence
April 24 - HLPFI South American correspondent, Rainbow Nelson reports from the Intermodal South America event which took place in Sao Paulo this week.
Idled ships return to service
April 23 - After AXS-Alphaliner reported a decrease in idled container ship capacity during the first half of April, the first dip in six months, experts are predicting a surge of overcapacity by the end of the year as seasonal cargo volume increases.
New website showcases Colossal Transport Solutions
April 23 - Colossal Transport Solutions has revealed a revamped website that better showcases all of the company's services and capabilities.
Mann Lines launches new service between Spain and Germany
April 23 - Mann Lines has introduced a new weekly ro-ro service between Santander and Cuxhaven, utilising multi-purpose ro-ro vessels and roll trailers.
WWPC members combine sources for SMART Flood Mitigation Project
April 22 - CNC Freight Services, the Malaysian-based member of the World Wide Project Consortium (WWPC) has worked with German-based LS-Cargo International in a reverse logistics movement of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) parts which had been involved in the
Crowley takes Safe Boats to Trinidad and Tobago for key summit
April 22 - Jacksonville, Florida-based Crowley played a behind-the-scenes role in assuring various heads of states had safe transport during the recent Summit of the Americas event held in Trinidad and Tobago.
Cargo buoys Air Partner sales in first half
April 22 - Air Partner, a major provider of charter aircraft, reported only a slight drop in turnover in the first half (ending on January 31st 2009) of its 2008/2009 fiscal year, despite the global economic crisis.
4th Annual Breakbulk Europe Transportation Conference and Exhibition
April 22 - 'Working Toward Recovery" is the theme of the 4th Annual Breakbulk Europe Conference and Exhibition which will take place in Antwerp between 26-28 May 2009.
Expert hosts heavy lift seminars
April 20 - A one-day seminar, Heavy Lift Transport & Lifting, is to be held in Houston on the 8th May 2009 on the 'do's and don'ts' of the heavy lift industry, hosted by Richard L Krabbendam, a 36-year veteran of the high and heavy industry.