All articles by HeavyLiftPFI – Page 663

  • News

    Largest wind turbine installation jackup to be built


    December 28 - According to reports in the international oil and gas media, Drydocks World Southeast Asia Pte Limited will build at its Drydocks World - Graha yard the GustoMSC NG-9000C-HPE wind turbine installation jackup vessel for an undisclosed client.

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    Topaz sells diving support maintenance barge


    December 28 - Topaz Energy and Marine has sold its DP2 diving support maintenance barge, TEAM Siam, to Mermaid Offshore Services Ltd.

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    A swell job for Jumbo Jubilee's maiden voyage


    December 24 - Jumbo Shipping's latest newbuilding, Jumbo Jubilee, completed its maiden voyage after successfully loading, transporting and installing two 1,250 tonne shiploaders for FL Smidth in challenging circumstances.

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    Sea trials for Combi Dock IV


    December 24 - Combi Dock IV has undertaken sea-trials successfully prior to delivery and entry into service.

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    Van Uden Stevedoring to open new deep sea terminal in 2011


    December 24 - Van Uden Stevedoring will invest in a brand new deep sea terminal in 2011, at the Maasvlakte in the Mississippihaven in Rotterdam.

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    Project forwarding develops for FPS Group


    December 23 - One of the most exciting developments this year for the Famous Pacific Shipping Group (FPS Group) of freight forwarders has been the growth of interest by members of the network in providing project forwarding services for clients.

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    Offshore energy puts some wind in Cory's sales


    December 23 - Cory Brothers is approaching 2010 optimistically after latest figures reveal it has generated a five-fold increase in profits over the past six months thanks to increased business across the board and particularly through its involvement in

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    Heavy transport and lifting seminar schedule announced


    December 23 - Heavy lift specialist and HLPFI columnist, Richard L. Krabbendam has announced a number of two-day heavy transport and lifting seminars in 2010.

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    Campayo helps Madrid high speed train


    December 22 - Despite winter conditions with ice and snow on the roads, Grupo Campayo of Spain has successfully completed two difficult shipments to help Madrid's AVE high speed train project.

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    Blue Water handles flywheel shipment


    December 22 - Cooperation between Blue Water Shipping's offices in Bremen and Copenhagen has resulted in the successful completion of a project transport shipment from the Czech Republic to Kalundborg in Denmark.

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    Georgia Ports Authority protects Loggerhead Sea Turtles


    December 22 - As a sponsor of the Caretta Research Project, the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) is pleased to report a successful 2009 nesting season on Wassaw Island, protecting more than 63 loggerhead turtles and their nests. For the past five years, the

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    Payne Named to Executive Board of Seaports Industry Association


    December 22 - J. Stanley 'Stan' Payne, chief executive officer of the Canaveral Port Authority, will serve on the 2009-10 Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA). He was named to the 10-member b

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    Ahlers Dubai secures project move to Qeshm Island


    December 22 - Abu Dhabi based drilling company NSCC Drilltec has appointed Ahlers Dubai to move a shipment of drilling equipment from their Madham site in the UAE hinterland to Qeshm Island in Iran.

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    Jumbo Shipping breaks own record with tanker barges


    December 21 - Jumbo Shipping's vessel, Fairpartner has successfully discharged the longest load in the shipping line's 41-year history heavy lift shipments.

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    Galvanizing line equipment from Mumbai to Baltimore


    December 21 - A regular client has contracted Ahlers Belgium to undertake a project shipment from India to the United States.

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    SNS completes logistics for new Tunis airport


    December 21 - The new Tunisian airport at Enfidha was declared open by the Tunisian subsidiary of its Turkish operator TAV earlier this month, writes Oliver Ward.

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    Agility appoints global SVP Sea Freight


    December 21 - Agility Global Integrated Logistics has appointed Thomas Peikert as global SVP for Sea Freight.

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    Topaz secures USD42m financing


    December 21 - Topaz Energy and Marine has raised USD42 million from Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai in support of its fleet expansion plans, taking its total financing raised in 2009 to USD150 million, the lion's share of which has been deployed to support

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    ALE raises the bar for lifting at Lisbon


    December 18 - ALE Heavylift Ib

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    Ahlers signs contract for Minsk power plant project


    December 18 - Ahlers China has signed a contract to ship components for a massive power plant project in Minsk, Belarus.