All articles by HeavyLiftPFI – Page 625

  • News

    Albacor Shipping handles transformer


    August 18 - Albacor Shipping's branch office in Banning, California has managed the shipment of a 215-tonne transformer from the Port of Houston to Scurry in Texas.

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    Air Charter Service anticipates another strong peak season


    August 18 - Air Charter Service's Hong Kong office anticipates another strong peak season for shipments out of Asia, with signs that it could be better than the final quarter of last year, itself the office's busiest period in its history.

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    Konecranes restructures regions


    August 17 - Effective September 1, Konecranes will combine its South Asia Pacific (SAP) and Northeast Asia (NEA) regions into a new Asia-Pacific (APAC) Region, headed by Ryan Flynn who has been senior vice president and head of Konecranes' operations in t

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    Immediate success for Scheuerle's InterCombi PB


    August 17- A sixty-tonne processing machine 13m long, 3m wide and 3.4m is one of the latest heavy lift movements to utilise German handling equipment manufacturer Scheuerle's InterCombi PB (Power Booster) with shiftable drive axles.

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    WWPC members combine forces to move tunnel boring equipment


    August 17 - Albacor Shipping has handled the transport of two used Tunnel Boring Main Drives (TBMD), each weighing 95 tonnes, from New York to Kehl in Germany.

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    Idaho residents sue to halt big oil trucks


    August 17 - According to reports in the US media, local residents opposed to giant truck shipments of oil equipment through Idaho's scenic Clearwater/Lochsa river canyon have filed a lawsuit to block the shipments, just a day before Idaho planned to issue

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    Beluga sponsors project cargo training course


    August 17 - It's decision time for anyone wishing to attend the two-day training programme being run as part of the forthcoming Breakbulk Americas transportation conference and exhibition in Houston.

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    GPLN attracts Shanghai Compass Global


    August 17 - Shanghai Compass Global has joined the Global Project Logistics Network as a member in Shanghai.

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    DHL shines light on CO2 reduction


    August 17 - Global forwarder DHL has launched an initiative to retrofit energy efficient lighting and equipment at its global forwarding units in the Americas region: initially to be rolled out in the United States before expanding to Canada and Mexico.

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    Magdenli handles Turkish power plant duo


    August 16 - Ankara-based freight forwarder Magdenli Transport and Trade Co has safely handled the transportation of abnormal loads for two major Turkish power plant projects.

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    Fairplayer deployed for Mangalore expansion


    August 16 - A Jumbo Shipping J-class ship has been involved in the movement of the first tranche of heavy lift and out-of-gauge cargoes from Hazira, India to New Mangalore Port for the Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) expansion project.

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    Toll re-brands in China


    August 16 - The Australian-based Toll Group has launched a fully-owned and operated contract logistics operation in China after its integration into the Toll Global Logistics division.

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    Maximus throws a Ramadan lifeline to the starving in Chad


    August 16 - Maximus Air Cargo is deploying relief flights during the month of Ramadan to help the drought stricken West African state of Chad. Supplies, provided by the UAE Red Crescent, are being dispatched from Abu Dhabi to victims of the severe drought

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    Air charter companies rally to aid Pakistan flood victims


    August 16 - London-based Air Charter Service has provided significant lift of aid to victims of the Pakistan floods through a range of aircraft types secured by its global network of offices.

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    Heavy lift and project work holds up for Agility


    August 16 - Second quarter results for 2010 continue to reflect a pivotal year for Agility as the US troop drawdown in Iraq continues and some of its large US government contracts enter their final option year.

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    Wilhelmsen Ship Service handles oversize vehicle shipment


    August 13 - Wilhelmsen Ships Service India has just completed the handling of a specialised project of oversized vehicles from Nhava Sheva port destined for Dakar in Senegal.

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    Fast Global Logistics is WWPC member for Morocco


    August 13 - The World Wide Project Consortium has appointed an exclusive member for Morocco.

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    Dockwise results show 'steady progress', despite difficult conditions


    August 13 - Dockwise Ltd has published unaudited results for the second quarter of 2010, revealing revenues of USD112 million and a net profit of USD4.9 million.

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    Goldhofer launches new 62 metre wind blade trailer


    August 13 - Goldhofer has launched a new flatbed semi-trailer for transporting wind power plant blades up to 62 metres long.

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    Beluga Shipping equips new vessel with broadband satellite communication system


    August 12 - Beluga Shipping has selected MTN Satellite Communications (MTN), to install a broadband VSAT system on the new MV Beluga Shanghai.