All articles by HeavyLiftPFI – Page 526
Guam senator seeks Jones Act exemption
April 11 - Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr. introduced a resolution that requests Guam's Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation to exempt Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska from the U.S. Build provision of the Maritime Shippin
Air Charter Service features in new 'Hot 100'
April 11 - The Real Business Investec "Hot 100" list of fast growing private companies has featured Air Charter Service (ACS), an air chartering specialist with 16 offices worldwide, due to their increased sales growth over the past four years. ACS is one
Faststream opens Perth office
April 10 - International maritime, oil & gas and mining industry recruiter Faststream has opened an office in Perth, Australia, which will focus on filling positions for shipping companies, oil majors and mining companies active in the region.
Sea trials start for Fairstar's Forte; as Finesse is launched
April 10 - Fairstar Heavy Transport's semi-submersible newbuilding Forte has started its sea trials off the coast of China, under the supervision of Det Norske Veritas (DNV), the ship's Classification Society.
Over-dimensional cargoes on flat racks for Garone Logistics
April 10 - Garone Logistics Ltd of Shenzhen, China has handled the movement of five ball mills on flat racks from Foshan, China, to Valparaiso, Chile.
Albacor undertakes solo and joint ventures
April 10 - Albacor Shipping (USA), the US member of the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) based in Mahwah, New Jersey, has worked with its WWPC partner LS-Cargo, based in Bremen, Germany, to handle the shipment of a 19 x 4.7 x 4.7m ball mill weighing ap
Wilhelmsen Ships Service reports growth for Ships Agency Re-Defined product
April 10 - Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) reports strong growth in the number of owners in Japan and North East Asia signing up for its' Ships Agency Re-Defined (SARD) product.
Port Everglades adds new shipping service to Venezuela and Colombia
April 10 - Port Everglades, USA, has a new shipping service to Venezuela and Colombia with Naviera Master Line de Venezuela C.A. moving heavy equipment and machinery/rolling stock on a fortnightly basis from the port, with plans to offer a weekly service
TransRussia on the horizon
April 8 - TransRussia, the country's largest and most comprehensive transport, will take place on 26-29 April 2011 in Expocentre, Moscow's best known and most central exhibition venue.
BDP International denies sale rumours
April 8 - Leading global logistics company, BDP International has issued an official denial that it is for sale.
ACE Winches exports Scotland's heaviest air cargo
April 6 - ACE Winches staff recently celebrated the completion of their largest manufacturing contract, worth GBP4.2 million (USD6.67 million) for Superior Energy Services, based in Houston, USA, which was partly delivered on the world's largest plane, th
Schmidbauer relies on Scheuerle SPMT
April 5 - Schmidbauer, the German crane rental and specialised transportation company, has moved a large transformer through Wiesbaden's narrow streets, as well as tight passageways within an electricity substation.
Tight squeeze for Mammoet Road Cargo
April 5 - A six-pack of brewery tanks proved a tight squeeze for Mammoet Road Cargo recently.
Transfennica offers new connections between Spain and the UK
April 5 - Transfennica Iberia (Spliethoff Group) has implemented a new maritime service that makes a direct weekly connection between the port of Bilbao, Spain and Tilbury, UK, sailing from Bilbao on Friday afternoon and reaching the British port on Sunda
New Boeing 747-8 Freighter gains high marks after six months in service
April 5 - The new Boeing 747-8 Freighter reaches six months in service this month, and the airplane is setting new standards of efficiency and performance - meeting or exceeding expectations in service reliability, fuel burn, and payload capacity, claims
Shuttlelift wins C-Tech Oilwell Technologies business
April 4 - Edmonton, Canada-based C-Tech Oilwell Technologies has purchased a Shuttlelift single-beam mobile gantry crane to use with its portable factories that produce a sucker rod for oil pumping facilities.
End of the line for Hartmann Asia RTW Line
April 4 - HLPFI understands that Hartmann Asia RTW Line Pte Ltd has been placed into provisional liquidation with accountancy practice, Lau Chin Huat & Co of Singapore, appointed as the provisional liquidator of the company.
Store-Ship BV adopts parent company name
April 4 - Store-Ship BV is now operating under a new name: Broekman Logistics Europoort BV.
BDP adds second service centre in South Asia
April 4 - BDP International has opened another Global Services Centre (GSC) in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The US-based, global logistics and transportation services firm opened its first such centre in Kuala Lumpur in March 2008.
IATA reveals 5.1 percent increase in global air cargo traffic in February
April 4 - After revealing that global air cargo traffic increased by 5.1 percent in February, compared to the same month last year, the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) said that the outlook for cargo remains fragile.