All articles by HeavyLiftPFI – Page 525

  • News

    Hansa Heavy Lift on the move in Singapore


    April 16 - Hansa Heavy Lift (Asia) Pte Ltd, the south east Asian subsidiary of the Hamburg-based heavy lift shipping line, has relocated in Singapore and has new contact numbers.

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    Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics on track with emissions reduction target


    April 16 - Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) says it is on track to reduce its relative green house gas emissions with 30 percent by 2015, compared to a 2005 baseline.

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    Lufthansa Cargo Charter extends sales reach in the USA


    April 16 - Lufthansa Cargo Charter Agency GmbH has extended the contract which it signed with general sales agent, Platinum Air Cargo covering Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma, almost a year ago, to cover additionally California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and

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    First female chair for Stockton's Board of Commissioners


    April 16 - Dr Elizabeth "Liz" Blanchard, pictured below, has been elected chair of the Port of Stockton Board of Commissioners.

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    SBM Offshore selects Blue Water Shipping


    April 16 - SBM Offshore has chosen Blue Water Shipping, a company with which it already holds a longstanding business relationship, to undertake the task of providing logistics for materials and equipment to China and Brazil, where the conversion of the f

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    Tarros upgrades in Med


    April 13 - Tarros, the specialist regional container line and multi-transport operator specialising in the Mediterranean Region, has upgraded its Great Pendulum Service which connects ports in the eastern and western Mediterranean via La Spezia, where the

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    Mediaco Maxilift relies on Terex carne for port crane lift


    April 13 - Marseille, France-based, crane services provider Mediaco Maxilift relied on a Terex CC 2800 lattice boom crawler crane during a recent lift of a dockside crane tour from its base in the French port of La Rochelle so maintenance work could be un

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    New Canadian member for PCN


    April 13 - The Project Cargo Network (PCN) has added Convoy Logistics Provider (CLP) to its network, as its third representative in Canada.

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    Intermodal South America is an unqualified success


    April 13 - Despite a torrential downpour and thunderstorms, the Intermodal South America trade show was an unqualified success and the heavyflooding of roads in Sao Paulo did not prevent too many people from reaching the TransAmerica convention centre des

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    Fairstar releases its 2011 audited financial statements


    April 13 - Fairstar Heavy Transport's audited financial statement for 2011 reveals a net loss after tax of USD14 million.

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    Globalink busy with military cargoes


    April 12 - Working at short notice, Globalink Logistics Group had just 48 hours to complete a demanding project for Kazakhstan's Ministry of Defence.

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    Buy, buy, the Brazilian pie


    April 12 - Everybody, it seems, wants a piece of the Brazilian economic pie, and some who already have a small slice want a bit more, writes HLPFI's correspondent from the Intermodal South America event, Robert Ward.

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    WWPC partners combine efforts to move boiler


    April 12 - Albacor Shipping (USA) Inc, the US member of the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) has worked in conjunction with the project forwarder network's Vienna-based Austrian partner, Procargo Spedition, to handle the transport of parts of a biomass

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    Energy contract between CEVA and Petroamazonas renewed


    April 12 - Supply chain company CEVA Logistics has renewed and expanded its contract with Ecuadorian state-owned oil company Petroamazonas, writes Charlotte Matheson.

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    TIACA condemns judge's decision to uphold Frankfurt night-time flight ban


    April 12 - The decision by a judge at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig to uphold a night-time flight ban at Frankfurt Airport will damage the city's reputation as one of the world's premier gateways for international trade and harm the local an

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    ALE replaces ceramic filters


    April 12 - ALE Heavylift has carried out the replacement of two ceramic filters in the ELCOGAS thermal plant gasifier in Puetollano, Spain.

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    Scheuerle helps Voser put some wind into sails


    April 11 - Voser Transport, a Swiss based transportation company, moved three rotor blades and other components of an ENERCON E82 wind power plant through wooded terrain using transportation equipment from Scheuerle Fahrzeugfabrik, writes Charlotte Mathes

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    February falls in global container traffic mask better trading conditions


    April 11 - Industry analyst, Container Trades Statistics, has reassured the global shipping industry that the fall in global container traffic in February compared to January is less indicative of troubled global trade than a result of a 'perfect storm' o

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    Record breaking Intermodal South America gets underway


    April 11 - The biggest ever edition of the Intermodal South America transport, logistics and trade show kicked off yesterday in Sao Paulo, Brazil and all the political big guns in the transport and port sectors were there in an unprecedented show of force

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    Horizon Lines terminates five ship charter agreements


    April 11 - According to statements released by both companies, Horizon Lines has reached an agreement with Ship Finance International Ltd to terminate five charter ship contracts.