June 19 - Videotel says its new Survey and Examination of Lifting Appliances training course should help to improve the quality of the surveying and examination of lifting appliances and reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused each year by lifting
"When a lifting appliance fails, the consequences can be far-reaching," says Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel Marine International. "Serious injuries and deaths can occur, not just to onboard-personnel but to the general public. As a result, legal claims can also arise with the inevitable impact of associated legal costs - and those costs are rising. Likewise, when equipment fails, the costs of disrupted operations and off-hire can also be considerable."
Survey and Examination of Lifting Appliances was created in association with Lloyds Register to improve the quality of the surveying and examination of lifting appliances. It is aimed at surveyors and anyone involved in examining or maintaining lifting appliances, whether they are working in the marine sector, the offshore sector, or examining dockside cranes. The objective is to ensure that examinations are carried out thoroughly and consistently and that personnel who examine lifting appliances are acknowledged as "competent persons".
Different national legal frameworks generally require that lifting appliances should be thoroughly examined by a "competent person" at least every 12 months. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition is of "a person possessing the knowledge and experience required for the performance of a specific duty or duties and acceptable as such to the competent authority." Successful completion of this course from Videotel is a significant step towards gaining the relevant knowledge needed to fit that definition.
The Survey and Examination of Lifting Appliances programme is delivered via CBT with multiple choice questions at the end of each module and a final assessment.