June 19 - REG Power Management (RPM) will utilise ZephIR Lidar systems to achieve the highest levels of safety within its wind farm construction projects.

The ground-based device measures wind speed and direction from 10 m up to 200 m to assist with the planned and ongoing construction activities at a site.

According David Nixon, head of construction at RPM, the ZephIR Lidar is a key way to promote safety within wind farm construction, as the systems can be easily mobilised from site to site and "provide an instant view of the wind across and above the ranges we lift components at."

Live data can be streamed from ZephIR Lidars to a computer or a large screen to make all contractors on site aware of the conditions, so that all works can be both prepared for efficiently and then executed safely. A wind shear profile is displayed graphically as well as instant wind speeds and directions being refreshed every second to inform decision-making on whether to mobilise cranes and crew.

The technique is being used for onshore as well as offshore applications, where vessel providers are often required to deploy ZephIR Lidars as part of the lifting protocol during the construction and maintenance of large offshore wind farms, says RPM.

The use of ZephIR Lidar systems for construction monitoring by RPM is part of the company's drive towards achieving BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety certification, which is expected in July 2017.


