June 29 - DICA has received its first US patent for the manufacturing process of its FiberMax crane pads. DICA states that this new process allows the pads to be a lighter weight than other products.
The FiberMax crane pads feature a sheer web design that maximises load distribution in all four directions, and are manufactured from high strength fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite material.
According to Kris Koberg, DICA ceo, the crane pads "reduce ground bearing pressures under equipment of all types."
Introduced in 2014, FiberMax crane pads feature crush ratings up to 1,000 psi and rated capacities up to 375,000 lbs (170 tonnes), suitable for cranes with lifting capacities up to 600 tons (544 tonnes).
In addition to the US patent, DICA has filed for an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).