July 7 - Mammoet has confirmed that minority shareholder, the van Seumeren family, has decided to fully withdraw from the company.
SHV, the majority shareholder in Mammoet, is to take full control of the company and members of the Van Seumeren family, including president and CEO Roderick van Seumeren, have decided to offer their resignation as directors of the company.
HLPFI understands that Jan Kleijn, Neil Birkbeck, Herman Smit, and Eric Rave - all of whom currently work for the company - have been appointed to the company's executive board, joining the current CFO, Siem Kranenburg. The new board will be led by Kleijn as CEO.
SHV, a family-owned business with roots in coal mining and diversified investments in energy, lifting and industrial services, bought a majority stake in Mammoet in 2006 and has seen the company's revenues and operating income double over the past four years.