A Business Advisory Council of 18 commercial leaders from across the G7 nations, Ukraine, and key donor states has been formed to support Ukraine’s economic stability, future growth, and to pave the way for future reconstruction. Among the appointees is Logistics Plus ceo Jim Berlin.

Logistics Plus CEO appointed to Ukraine business advisory council

Source: Logistics Plus

Jim Berlin, pictured left of Penny Pritzker (head of delegation) at the Ukraine Recovery Conference

The announcement was made at last week’s Ukraine Recovery Conference, which took place in Germany’s capital city, Berlin. “The first meeting of the Business Advisory Council brought together a group of committed and proactive business leaders, and I am confident that working together, we can serve as the ‘tip of the shovel’ of international business engagement in Ukraine at this critical time and onward to rebuild the country,” Berlin said. 

In his welcome remarks at the Ukraine Recovery Conference, German chancellor Olaf Scholz said: “The recovery of Ukraine is and has to be a business case too, and [those businesses] will be front and centre to engage right from the start. Together with the USA, [this is] why we have taken the initiative for the Business Advisory Council. [It] will be the voice of the business community.”

In 2022, the Logistics Plus Ukraine team successfully delivered drilling equipment from Kristiansand, Norway to Poltava, Ukraine, in a project fraught with danger and disruption. The shipment comprised eight pieces, all being delivered to a high-profile Ukrainian drilling company. Due to the circumstances in Ukraine, this was no ordinary delivery. Logistics Plus global projects director Bahadir Erdil said at the time: “[There were] missiles raining not far from the offices and homes, insufficient water resources, no electricity, no internet, under the air raid sirens, sometimes working on the street, sometimes at a park. Kudos to the Ukraine team for handling these projects and keeping the Ukrainian economy running. Slava Ukraini!”

Logistics Plus said that it has more 70 employees across three locations in Ukraine. Since the 2022 invasion, it has donated and raised over USD1 million worth of total relief for the war-torn country.