Gruber Logistics has appointed Rifat Cicek as branch director.

Gruber Logistics looks to Cicek to drive business forward in Türkiye

Source: Gruber Logistics

Marcello Corazzola (left) and Rifat Cicek (right)

With more than 30 years of experience in the logistics industry and extensive expertise in corporate development, Cicek will be tasked with further developing the company in Türkiye, expanding the team and opening more branches in addition to Istanbul and Izmir.

“I plan to establish Gruber Logistics even more firmly in the Turkish market and to anchor our corporate values in the local economy,” said Cicek. “Above all, I expect sustainable growth – not only through a double-digit increase in turnover, but also by expanding our presence with the new offices mentioned above and a young and dynamic team from the current five to more than 20 employees.”

Gruber Logistics expanded into the Turkish market at the start of 2023.